I was looking at another blog posting regarding the Anti-inflammatory diet and am looking forward to learning more about it. I know the basics but will be studying it in more detail.
I am familiar with the Eat Right For Your Type Diet, and have used it for years as the diet of choice for my allergy protocol. I can see that either diet will provide the cleansing, and lowered toxic load that I am looking for while patients are going through the allergy protocol. With the blood type diet, you are eating foods based on design with the intention of maintaining low lectin levels in the body as lectins lead to inflammation and reactivity.
Here's the very basics of blood type diet. Type O are the hunter gatherer, do better on meats, vegetables and fruits, no grains or dairy. Type A diet is based on an agrarian culture, and so tend to do better on more vegetarian, lighter meats and fish, and some grain, but little dairy or wheat. Type B are the nomadic cultures, seem to tolerate dairy, some wheat, and may benefit from a Mediterranean diet. Type AB is a more modern blood type, seem to tolerate a combination of A and B. The gist of eating according to blood type specific diets is that is lowers the toxic load in the body. There is less reactivity to foods, in a way the body is more at peace. It seems to be the goal of the anti-inflammatory diet as well.
And can't we all use a little more peace in our lives and our bodies.
Dr. Joanie